Tuesday, 2 October 2012

1:1 Computing

One to one computing is considered by many as the latest trend in the evolution of technology. The nature of this form of computing allows students to take charge of their own learning, thus allowing them to become self-directed in the process. Additionally, students’ ability to work independently increases their critical and analytical skills and as a result reduces the time it takes for them to acquire and manipulate information. Furthermore, one to one computing has the potential to enhance students' technological capabilities and increases their motivation to learn which increases retention of information because learning can be presented in fun and innovative ways through the use of different computer programmes

Based on my readings and having observed our attempt at one to one computing, I have concluded that it is a very complex process and attention must be paid to all areas. Failure to do so would seriously impact on the success of the programme. In my opinion the following principles are key to the successful implementation of one to one computing:
  • Have a phased roll out of the programme beginning with teachers.
  • Have an administrative staff that can manage the change.
  • Ensure that there is a well trained technical support staff.
  • Provide opportunities for the ongoing professional development of teachers.
  • Ensure that pedagogical practices in the classroom support the technology.
  • Form strategic alliances with interested members of the community and business sector who would be willing to support the initiative.

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