Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Activity 3

Reflection:       The Word Processor as a Learning Resource

The use of technology actually transforms our consciousness, our ways of thinking and writing and our ways and writing and our ways of knowing and constructing meaning. The information presented on the use of Word Processing software reveals that great advantages can be achieved in the writing classroom. Experimenting with the software in my own classroom experience I have realized that children who write with word processing software tend to make more revisions, write longer compositions and produce pieces with fewer mechanical errors. This is achieved because the programme can assist students to correct incorrect spellings and sentence structure.  I must note though that computers in themselves do not affect student's writing ability. However teachers play a major role in children's learning. I must hasten to say that in order for this tool to be effective, teachers must identify explicit learning goals, design their instruction efficiently and effectively and give students adequate practice.

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