Friday 11 April 2014

Module 1 Avtivity 12: Problem Solving

My students and I found this activity quite rewarding. After all, they do not get the opportunity on a regular basis to actively find solutions to real life challenges, in a focused, deliberate manner. Many acknowledged that they felt like adults based on the level of responsibility they had and would have demonstrated a high level of maturity in the execution of their responsibilities. The boys were especially delighted for the opportunity to showcase their artistic abilities in the designing of posters. It is obvious from this experience that as a teacher one cannot underestimate the abilities of our students. Given the opportunity with the right set of circumstances they can all achieve some level of success.

This module like many before it, prompted me to conduct further reading on the issue of problem solving. I do firmly believe that a more focused approach needs to be adapted in regards to equipping our students with the necessary problem solving skills. Their academic and social success is dependent on their problem solving and decision making skills.

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